About Me
From a very young age, my passion for artistic creation was evident. I took art classes starting at age 10, and loved every minute of drawing, painting, and creating that I could fit into my day. When I wasn’t drawing, I was whipping up desserts for my family in my Easy Bake Oven. As I fell in love with baking, I decided I wanted to become a pastry chef, and took a kid’s course at the San Francisco Culinary Institute.
Entering college, I changed gears, but maintained my passion for creating by studying architecture and theatre design, and earned my degree. When I realized architecture was not quite the right fit, I started my own business planning weddings and designing floral arrangements. Eventually, I began working for a large company designing events from conventions and birthday parties to the most extravagant weddings you could imagine.
Through it all, I continued baking for myself and others, and picked up bartending as another hobby and passion. In January of 2019, after watching one too many baking competitions, I decided to make my first layer cake. Then I started my Instagram page so that I could share my confectionary creations with others and document my growth as a baker and artist, and I posted my very first layered cake. I quickly realized that cake design was a marriage of all of my passions and hobbies. By infusing my love of cocktails into my cake flavors, I discovered I could have the best of both worlds. My background in architecture and event design have married with passion hobbies and allowed me to create out of the box designs for my cakes.
I’m so grateful for the community I’ve become a part of and the opportunities I’ve been given to take my baking and career to the next level including being interviewed by Let's Talk Cake Podcast and partnering with GetSuckered for a limited edition cocktail inspired dessert flavoring. Most recently, I am honored to be a part of Season 6 of Food Network's Halloween Baking Championship.